W Hotel Hires a Fashion Director

Yesterday was the last day of the our recent W Hotel/Bliss Spa giveaway, and we’ll choose the winner on Feb 16th.

Speaking of the W Hotel — they just announced that they’re hiring a Fashion Director!

The WSJ reported that the W Hotel will make the grand announcement next week, on Feb 11th, to kick off New York Fashion Week.  They are hiring stylist Amanda Ross to amp their style credibility, hob-nob with designers, Hollywood stars, and the fashion community, and help to style the rooms/hotel lobbies/staff, and more.  Basically, to make sure the W Hotels are top-notch in terms of design and fashion.

We’re delighted that one of our lucky members will be winning an escape at the fashionable W Hotel, courtesy of Shop It To Me!  Stay tuned to see who that is…