True Life: I Wear MTV Clothes.

If celebrities can do clothing lines, why can’t MTV? Media & Marketing reported MTV and Zara are teaming up to do a new clothing line called Streetmuse, which will roll out to around 1000 Zara stores worldwide on March 5th.

The line features MTV-designed t-shirts and hoodies. The clothes have a definite ’80s throwback feel, with plenty of neon accents. They remind me of the early “I want my MTV” days. It’s a cool concept, but in reality, the shirts look like something straight out of an MTV gift shop. Every item I saw had a huge MTV logo on it. I think they’d benefit from some subtlety. I mean, when celebrities make their own clothing lines, they don’t plaster their face all over their products.

You can check out the below photos, plus some more, courtesy License! Global.
