The Sartorialist Brought to Your Coffee Table!


Many of you are probably already familiar with Scott Schuman, aka The Sartorialist. The Sartorialist travels the world shooting inspiring looking people with to-die-for outfits. His pictures make a once aspiring photographer (myself) envious due their consistently ingenuous composition and contrast, not to mention their impeccable usage of depth of field that draws the eye right to the object of attention.


Now being the fashion/photography obsessed person that I am, I was absolutely thrilled to find out that The Sartorialist has arranged 500 of his images into a book. The book will be mainly pictures and a bit of writing, and can be pre-ordered at right now for a very reasonable price of $16.50! I have already jumped on this offer, and would encourage anyone who is looking for a little bit of inspiration in their daily life to do the same. Here’s to hoping this book will make my teeny college apartment a bit more classy!
