Take a Maxi Dress from Summer to Fall

clueless-fashionistaDon’t let the seasons get in the way of your wardrobe anymore. Our Trendsetter Clueless Fashionista is here to help you extend the wear of your favorite maxi dresses for a few more months, while still remaining ultra chic. Her blog features some great fashion and beauty tips, plus some easy-to-follow makeup tutorials that you must not miss!


I have two words for you — maxi dresses!  This year I discovered the maxi dress.  Well let me clarify, I discovered that the maxi dress could work for me.  I’ve known about them ever since they became popular again about a year or so ago.  However, I thought that the wonderfully flowy dresses were reserved for women who were leggy or tiny, neither of which I am.  So I admired them from afar.

This year, as I searched for dresses to add to my wardrobe, I decided to try one on.  It was wonderful!  The flowy material that I thought would over-emphasize my curves, managed to hug the places I wanted it to and hang loosely over the places I didn’t.  Plus they are fabulously comfortable!  I fell in love and proceeded to get several of them.  My maxi dresses are so comfortable that I had to figure out a way to take them into the fall season.

I figured out a few cool ways to move the maxi dress seamlessly from the hot summer months to the cooler fall months.

  1. Pair it with a short, cropped jacket
  2. Throw on a great scarf
  3. Wear it with a nice cardigan or sweater
  4. Throw a short or long sleeved t-shirt underneath it

Now I must caution you here.  If you want to experiment with any of these transitions, make sure you do a test run first.  Put on the outfit, pull out your full length mirror (that EVERY woman should have) and take a look.  Maxi dresses come in so many different styles that one transitional piece may work better than another.  Be realistic.  Transitional pieces should be just as fabulous as the pieces they’re transitioning.