Shopping Habits I Picked Up from My Parents!

lvebLets face it – we all pick up habits from our parents. Whether it’s your mom’s neatness or your dad’s sense of humor, they’ve likely influenced, in one way or another, the person you’ve become. La Vita E Bella is here to talk how her parents’ shopping habits rubbed off. Be sure to check out her blog dedicated to the ups and downs of being a young lady, fashion, politics, and literary discussion!

When I look at pictures of myself from younger years, before I had control over what I wore, I realize I was a classically dressed little girl. My mother always had me in smocked dresses, good shoes and yarn hair bows that adorned my long brunette locks. But then the photos change. There is suddenly a young lady with a short bob and practical pieces. My mother says she got tired of doing my hair and took me one day to chop it off. And let me tell you, the short chic bob is still my favorite hair style. But I digress; my parents really taught me that classic, timeless, quality pieces were the best to have in a wardrobe.


I have great memories of my dad leaving for work in his Burberry trench coat which he had for many years (and may still have). I relived that memory when I purchased my Burberry Snap Front Quilted Jacket in Fall of 2004 in Washington DC. It is timeless and I wear it all the time and the fact that Burberry still makes it tells me that it is classic. Still when I am shopping with my mother she is quick to remind me that purchasing one or two classic pieces is a much better in the long run than purchasing more trendy pieces that will be in my “donate to charity pile” in 3 months.