Shop It To Me Trendsetters: New This Week!

We’re excited to announce this week’s five fashionable new Trendsetters. Welcome to the Shop It To Me community!

Be sure to check out their fashion and lifestyle blogs for more news, inspiration, and other style updates!

AmericanChic brings you the latest in designer style fashion and chic accessories. Find posts about the latest in accessories, chic decor, and celebrity fashion.

Destined For Now is a blog that reflects personal life and the fashion that’s worked into it.

Small Town Chic is the personal style blog of a high school teacher on a budget living in a small town, about to have her first baby.

Run by two fashion crazed girls, storyofmylifesquared is a combination of fashion, beauty & random ramblings.

The Upside of Wonder is a blog chronicling a girl’s journey of becoming a young adult, with a bit of life, love, Texas, and fashion along the way.

*Want to be a Shop It To Me Trendsetter? Email with a link to your fashion or lifestyle blog to apply!