Shop It To Me Staffers: Meet Ilana!

We’re a hard-working and passionate crew here at Shop It To Me, saving you time and money finding your favorite designer goods. Take a peek behind the scenes to meet our fast-paced, energetic and quick-witted office staff, starting with Ilana, our baker extraordinaire Office Manager. While she isn’t filling our tummies with decadent home baked goods, she’s taking care of logistics, planning events and amusing us with random facts and funny photos. Get to know her more…


What’s your favorite time-saving site or app?
Is it cheating to say Shop It To Me? I don’t really use many apps, I’m all about handwritten to-do lists!

What are some items you keep on your desk at work that keep you sane during the day?
Votre Vu hand lotion, an All Blacks (New Zealand Rugby Team) mug, and my beautiful old-fashion composition notebook. I used to bring snacks but I would always finish them all by 9:00 am so I had to stop bringing those in.****

If you could have one time-saving super power, what would it be and why?
Definitely teleportation… I would never have to sit in traffic again!****

What’s your favorite recent purchase and some favorite brands?**
**I just bought a Vince cashmere ombre sweater on sale at a consignment store, and a really cute beaded clutch from Forever21 that looks like it cost a lot more than $25! My favorite brands are Rebecca Taylor, Vince and Sperry Top-Sider


How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Do you take any shortcuts or time-saving tricks in your routine?
It takes me about 20-25 minutes to get ready. I always grab a Balance Bar for breakfast (S’mores flavor is the best!) so that doesn’t take any time, and when I first wake up I turn on pump-up music so I have no choice but to get moving.

Do you have any tricks when it comes to making your commute less painful?
I always read CNN and ESPN on my phone while I’m on the bus which is fun and feels semi-productive.****

Do you have any “weird” habits or talents you’re willing to share?
I’m an air-drummer in an air band called the Tuhtle Boiz! It might be a stretch to say I’m talented at this so maybe it’s more of a hobby…