Shop It To Me Staffers: Meet Caitlin!

We’re excited to introduce the newest member of our Shop It To Me team — Caitlin! As our marketing intern (and childhood friend of Ilana, our office manager), she’s rapidly filling her days with exciting marketing projects, learning the ropes around our super-cool HQ and keeping up with our collectively odd sense of humor (or perhaps she’s just being polite). Get to know her more…


What are some items you keep on your desk at work that keep you sane during the day?

My planner.  It helps me keep track of all the different things I have going on. Whether it be work or social commitments, it gives me one place to organize it all and not worry about forgetting anything.

If you could have one time-saving super power, what would it be and why?***

Insta-cleaning.  I love when things are neat and organized but I find that when I’m busy I rarely have the time to clean as thoroughly as I would like.  If I could snap my fingers and have things instantly organized my life would be amazing!

Caitlin's style

What’s your favorite recent purchase?

My green Lacoste Melbourne sunglasses.  When I bought my Ray Ban Aviators I was a die hard fan, but these shades have become my new staple.  I like that they’re more original than the classic aviators and go with almost anything.****

Do you have any tricks when it comes to making your commute less painful?

Good music.  I try to update my iTunes pretty frequently so that I always have new music to get me excited for the day.