Shop It To Me -- Blog Launches!

Hi I’m Tamra — part of the Shop It To Me team – and I am excited to announce the launch of our brand new Shop It To Me blog! You’ll be hearing from me often…

Watch here to read fun and irreverent blog posts about Shop It To Me, the company, tidbits and facts about our service and about sales in general.


Just a sneak peek at some of the exciting things we’ll be sharing with you over time.


  • highlight new features/brands/happenings on Shop It To Me
  • feature our Trendsetters
  • share industry news
  • chat about your/our favorite brands
  • let you know about upcoming events, sales, deals, offers, and more
  • comment on fashion trends and style advice
  • talk about all things related to sales, including some special tips
  • most of all, give you the inside scoop all things related to Shop It To Me!

Stay tuned for all this and more! Check back on the site regularly, or subscribe to our blog using a RSS feed.

Sale away!