Inside Peek at Shopbop Style Director </br> Morgan Wendelborn

We’re all fashion fans here, right? So we can agree that in the realm of dream jobs, being the style director for falls right near the top of our lists.

Shopbop’s lookbooks are a non-stop source of style inspiration and if you’ve ever taken a peek, you know the woman behind them has a whole heck of a lot of talent. We caught up with Morgan Wendelborn, the woman behind the magic, for an inside look at her fashion philosophy, what it’s like working at Shopbop, and how she got to where she is.


**We’re always seeing pictures of you in fabulous locales on the Shopbop****blog. Can you describe what a typical day is like for you?
**Well, one reason I love my job is because every day is different! It usually starts out around 7 or  8 am, either checking my emails at the studio or packing up for an early morning location shoot (which can mean a 5 am start time). I spend most of my days in the studio making sure everything is running smoothly with my team, brainstorming new ideas, planning for upcoming shoots, and directing them.


via The Sartorialist

**How did you get started? Have you always worked in fashion?
**I was an English and creative writing major in college, but my twin sister is a designer (she designs for Pencey and her own line, Victorialand). She really got me into fashion.

I started working at Shopbop in college, where I was packing boxes in our little warehouse. Those were the days, when 100 orders was reason to celebrate and almost everyone who worked here was a college girl obsessed with clothes.

Anyway, we started getting big enough and needed a stylist, so founders Martha Michelson and Bob Lamey put a lot of faith in me to develop the photo studio and styling team, concept and execute my creative vision, and support our rapidly growing brand. I never had any formal training, and I am still learning as I go. It’s been the BEST education of my life.


Next to Shopbop Fashion Director Kate Ciepluch, via the Shopbop Blog

**What’s your style philosophy?
**Don’t think too hard about it. If it doesn’t look natural to you, on you, then it’s not! Not everything works on everyone, so it’s more than okay to not follow the trends exactly – just pick and choose elements.

Also, stay true to what you feel comfortable in, but try to push your limits in an outfit at least once a week. It keeps you sharp!

**Do you personally shop online? What do you like about it, what’s challenging?
**Generally, I hate shopping (ironic, right?), so online is my HEAVEN. I shop on Shopbop of course — it really is just toooooo easy. Even not being able to try things on doesn’t bother me (yes, I have to order and wait too). I order 2 sizes if I’m iffy (free returns on Shopbop!), but most of the time I have come to know how my favorite brands fit me. To be honest, our customer reviews really help me too!