Cocktail Does Rhyme with Sale...

When does impulse-shopping most often get the best of you?

In his blog post last week, Scott Silverman, Executive Director of, drew my attention to an entertaining and relevant article originally written by Monica Corcoran in the LA Times. “Shopping While Drinking: Retail Happy Hour” hilariously highlighted people who BUI – Buy Under the Influence!

Jokingly, Corcoran explained that for some, “Friday nights involve vodka tonics and a hot date with” The article included great quotes from various women who make online clothing splurges after enjoying a few cocktails. My favorites were:

“When I drink and shop, I always think I am a size smaller, and I go for much funkier clothes than my usual black dresses”

“These boxes show up, and I am, like, ‘Oh, my God. I did it again.”

“It’s fun, and it’s the only thing you can do after a few drinks and not have any regrets…You don’t wake up in the morning and panic and think, ‘What did I buy last night?'”

Interestingly, roughly 10% of Shop It To Me emails are first opened in the night-time hours. Luckily, seems that not too many of you are insomniacs!

…But I do agree that perusing new clothing deals can be a great way to pass time on those restless nights….