Book Review Time!

Summer reading…time to curl up with an entertaining book on the beach! I’ve recently come across 3 fashion-related reads to share:

Spork Fashion originally turned me on to Fashion 101-A Crash Course In Clothing. Each page highlights a different piece of clothing and details “What it looks like”, “Who made it”, “Who made it hot”, and “How to rock it”. From tube tops to ballerina flats, I am learning the history of a head-to-toe wardrobe! It’s incredibly entertaining and and nicely laid out; a quick, pleasure-filled, and educational read. And for only $12, I think it’s quite a steal!

Fabsugar tipped me off about Vogue Covers. According to Fab, “This book boasts over 200 pages of Vogue’s most influential and iconic covers that span over almost 100 years.” Don’t know that this quite qualifies as beach-reading, but a definite coffee-table addition. And who doesn’t love seeing the evolution of fashion through photographs?!

When browsing at the book store this week, I came across Daily Candy Lexicon, from the Daily Candy staff. It’s a “compilation of soon to be discovered words” that will urge on laughter and appreciation of this witty humor. To give you a taste, within the Shopping chapter you’ll find “Fabric-ation: the involuntary impulse to lie when the salesgirl asks you what size you are,” and “Mouse Trap: An internet purchase that looks a lot different upon arrival than it did in the picture.” Hopefully I won’t fall for any mousetraps soon!