Behind the Seams at TJ Maxx

Being the sale shopping fanatics that we are, Natalie and I were excited to be invited to the TJ Maxx “Behind the Seams” event a couple weeks back.  While I have never been a huge fan of the off-priced department stores (I can’t help but long for the organization and ease of, well, my Shop It To Me Salemail!), I can now say that I never fully understood what they are all about…

Fashionable and charming style expert, Alison Deyette broke it down for us in an hour long presentation that erased many of my preconceived notions about stores of this kind. Did you know that all of the items in your local TJ Maxx or Marshalls are current season? I didn’t! They buy directly from the designers when items are over-manufactured, and this allows them to sell the merchandise for a fraction of the retail price.

Alison was brave enough to dig through the racks and put together some surprisingly stylish outfits. After touring the store with our new outlooks on off-priced shopping, both Natalie and I left with a fun and affordable item in hand. So if in-store shopping is your thing and you’ve built up some extra stamina (or you have the sudden urge to burn calories while sifting through sale racks) check out TJ Maxx – you may be surprised with what you find!

*image via Breakfast at Saks