5 Smart Shopping Tips for a Down Economy

thewardrobecoach“Smart Shopping” is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot in this economy. It sounds great, but what does it really mean? Our Trendsetter Bridget, personal style consultant of The Wardrobe Coach, breaks it down by offering 5 simple tips for making the most of your shopping spend. Read her blog for more great advice, and if you live in Chicago, check out her services!


You lost your job months ago.  You avoid the mall as if it’s the plague and you’ve stopped doing anything fun.  Does life as you once knew it really have to end in this economy?  Unbelievably, now is a great time to shop.  With so many people in your situation, retailers are offering unprecedented discounts to get people into their stores. That doesn’t mean you should buy something just because it’s on sale (but bonus if it is).  A purchase that doesn’t improve your life is a huge waste of money and time no matter how little the cost.

Here are five smart shopping tips to keep your morale up when everything else is looking down.

  1. Plan ahead. Identify what you need to complete key outfits in your wardrobe and create a shopping  list.  Then search the internet for sales and discount codes.  Focusing on a list will help  prevent unnecessary spontaneous purchases.

2. Choose quality over quantity. Buy the highest quality you can afford for pieces you plan to wear often.  Quality pieces  will fit better, last longer and save you money in the end.  Take advantage of thrift stores,  resale shops and garage sales in wealthy areas to find high-end pieces the  previous owner may have simply outgrown.  Consider the ongoing maintenance of the  item before buying.****

**3. Eat before you shop. Low blood sugar or not being properly hydrated will leave you sluggish and may lead to  poor buying decisions. ******

4. Ask the retailer to meet a competitor’s price. A major department store recently honored the sale price from a different store on an  item I needed for a gift.  It pays to speak up!****

5. Beware buyer’s remorse. Staple the receipt to the sales tag and don’t remove it until you wear the item out of the  house. That way you always have the receipt at hand if you decide to return it.